Friday, June 20, 2014

Maybe you should have a baby.....

 Acne... everyone’s worst nightmare. During my teen years my skin was beautiful blemish free, but ever since I turn 20 my face has become well.. blemish not free! I have tried tons of products both cheap and expensive but they are just not working for my face! I also tried laser treatment, which I think was working but I had to stop the treatment since I didn't have $700 to pay each month.  I’m frustrated of course because I have to wear a lot of foundation and concealer to make my skin look presentable. On some days where I just don’t care and feel confident about my skin I don’t wear any make up, but there is ALWAYS someone reminding me of what my face looks like and it hurts. They recommend products and I accept their recommendations but I’ve already tried those products, so I just nod my head and say thank you and move on.

 Today for example, I went to the salon to fix my eyebrows (they were crazy!!!) the lady that was fixing them started to tell me about how bad my acne was and I was just agreeing with her and she begins to tell me that when she was younger she also had acne problems that it was really bad and she would be very self conscious about going outside and meeting people. I have the same problem, (I guess that’s why I have decided to start a blog.I feel like this is the only place where I can vent.) I then told her how I have tried different products and how they  haven’t worked for me and she says "Well maybe you just need to have a baby."

 For most women while pregnant their hormones seem to be relaxed now that they gave mother nature what she's always wanted.. a baby growing in their stomachs. Whatever problems they had with acne just… disappears. Their skin becomes glowy, healthy, and blemish free. This is what happened to the lady that was threading my eyebrows, after having her first child all of her problems with acne went away. Her skin now looks soft with no dark spots what so ever. She isn't the first person to tell me this, or 'recommend' this, various women tell me the same thing because it has worked for them.

 But the thing is I'm not ready to have a baby, I don't even think I want a baby! (Well maybe in like ten years, but definitely not NOW!) In the meantime I'll just have to keep trying products and pray to the gods above that something works so that my skin can finally relax and enjoy life.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

birth control pills for my acne...

giving them a try because nothing else seems to be working for my skin. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014

I cannot become a blogger because my writing skills suck.
Maybe I should take an extra writing class this semester if I want to blog on a daily basis.
On the bright side, I've got a gym membership and I've woken up early everyday to workout.
Spring  semester begins on Tuesday... boooo and Bates Motel is my favorite new show, I just love it!